Sunday, January 23, 2011

Tangled up in blue

The church in Anglars, Aveyron, January 23, 2011

Blue is without a doubt my favorite color, and since putting up my nifty header with those nice blue shutters, I have felt like posting as many photos as possible that highlight this hue.

It's helped that we have had some of the greatest blue sky lately. It may have been -12° centigrade this morning where I live -- just over 10° Fahrenheit -- but it was also fabulously sunny.

After shopping a bit in my village and then the nearby village of Bertholène, the sun inspired me to take a drive off the Nationale 88 and onto some back roads. I ended up in a tiny place called Anglars, which happens to have a lovely little church.

I set off to photograph the church, but the star of the show turned out to be the sky.


  1. Lucky you! We had a very grey Sunday.

  2. Grey here this morning, but a bit of sunshine this afternon.
    What a lovely blue sky - not a cloud in sight.

  3. Love the angles and contrast of color. Just gorgeous!

  4. this post makes me think of tracey chevalier's first novel the virgin blue....i didn't think it is quite as strong as her subsequent books but it was interesting and very fun at times and as a bit of a francophile i enjoyed it immensely - the 'present' day story focuses on an american woman who comes to live in a small town in france....then there's a wonderful parallel story set centuries earlier....

    have you read it.

    blue always makes my heart soar!

    few blue skies here this time of year.

  5. @mouse Yes I have read this novel and absolutely loved it.The "present day" story takes place in a village that I know in the Tarn "département," if my memory serves me right. We used to live in Albi (Tarn) before moving to Tours, then to Aveyron. So maybe the book had a special appeal to me, but in any case I was very fond of it.

  6. That blue is really lovely, isn't it? And the angle in this shot gives this building a sense of drama it probably doesn't usually experience. Nice!

  7. @la fourchette -- True, I doubt there's much drama at l'Eglise d' photo might have been its most exciting moment in months!
