Wednesday, December 26, 2012

On the 5th day of Christmas...

(Image source:

...I was going to brag a bit about "how much I had got done today."

But somehow it didn't really feel like that much.

In the meantime, through Twitter I ran into a very thought-provoking post from my old blogging buddy My Inner French Girl.

It was thinly veiled as "best wishes for the holidays," but it was actually about the multitude of online organizational tools that we can now use,  whether they really help us pare down our "to-do lists."

I haven't used a lot of those tools, but I have also given up on a tight paper system. I guess I'm 'twixt and 'tween.

As I commented on her post, I remembered that in the 80s, I had proudly adopted a Day Timer. I used it religiously, seemed to race through my "to-do lists," and have never felt so organized since.

Was it the Day Timer, or is it just the times that have changed?


  1. Hiya, Betty! Merci for the link to my post!

    You know, I didn't intend for the post to be about organizational tools, but obviously, it's been on my mind a lot, given that that's how the post ended up. ;-)

    I have to admit, I'm obsessed with organizational tools, which is probably why they've been on my mind a lot lately. I've been through a half-dozen or so different project management programs (Basecamp, Asana, Zoho, etc., and have been back to Basecamp at least three times) and am now waiting for my Google Nexus (7-8 week delivery period? Seriously?!), in the hope that THAT will finally be the end-all, be-all of all electronic PDAs!

    And yet, I've never felt more disorganized. Sigh.

    I remember the Day-Timer. I had one of those in college, complete with a floral canvas cover, and looooved it. It lasted me at least 2 academic years. My most recent attempt to return to the old paper planner was just this past summer, and I abandoned it within a week. I just couldn't make it work, and I hated lugging it around. It practically needed its own tote bag.

    I'd be interested in seeing the responses your post receives!

    Hugs and salut,

  2. I had a Day Timer for years! Now I use a desk calendar from a different source each year, depending on the photos, art for each week. After my mother died, I found that she had kept all her desk calendar diaries. What a rich source of daily activity those are, and I now keep mine from year to year. You'll be surprised what you learn about yourself and what details you jot down that you think are boring but are very revealing. I highly recommend the written version.
