Saturday, February 12, 2011

Why I tweet

I'm pushing towards 4,500 tweets, which I find a little hard to believe.

I signed up for Twitter relatively early in the game -- July 31, 2008. That seemed to be the year that a lot of the people I tweet the most with got chirping.

But I had a slow start. I didn't really see the point...or maybe the point wasn't the same in 2008 as in 2011 -- or even in 2009, when I reactivated my tweeting life.

I love Twitter now for browsing the news, exchanging teaching information, and keeping up on some favorite sites like The Oatmeal, Brain Pickings, and Chez Loulou.

I can also indulge in fun mini-conversations with the lucky members of my "friendsandfam" list...whenever I want.

Also, for some reason Twitter is not guilt-inducing to me.

I feel bad when I don't come up with good blog post ideas (in fact, I'm feeling that way right now.)

I feel guilty when I don't keep up with my real Facebook friends; even though I've ruthlessly eliminated hundreds of peripheral "friends" and stupid games from my newsfeed, I still have trouble keeping up.

And let's not even talk about Google Reader, or "keeping up with stuff on the Internet" hell.

Twitter seems easy come, easy go...and full of fascinating information.

How do you feel about it?


  1. Nearly 4,500 tweets?? I'm really impressed.
    I've managed a pathetic 15.

    I do love following other people's tweets, though. And it's a perfect way of keeping up with news re concerts & exhibitions.

    4,500. Wow.

  2. I haven't really gotten into it although I'm sort of trying. I think if I had an IPhone it would be easier to do throughout the day. Right now I just post once a day in the morning. I like Facebook better right now.

  3. @Linda I don't have a mobile device that can connect to Twitter, but I manage to tweet irregularly -- more over the weekend than during the week. I think it's especially interesting if you have certain subjects you want to follow, or hashtag groups. I've especially been interested in connecting with other teachers.

    @Betty Of course, one can also be a passive follower too, which is different from Facebook in a way.

    @both You should send me your Twitter account names. Mine is @bcinfrance (need to get this on my nearly naked blog sidebar!)

    Have a good Sunday!

  4. I tend to follow more than I tweet back... It comes up in the corner of my monitor while I'm working on the menus... I read, smile... I should get more active. Thanks for the button link, BTW

  5. @katiez Yes, I liked that little button link. I found it in an article from Mashable -- I'll send you the link on Twitter too in case you didn't sign up for comment follow:

  6. I still love Twitter and have from the moment I started twittering. I'm over 8,000 tweets!

    Really like how you describe it as not guilt-inducing. I totally agree!

  7. @loulou -- I remember of course how you got me back on the tweetwagon when I was down visiting you. That must have been in spring of 2009, when we went to Bages.I figured if you were into it, it must be a good thing!

  8. I'm pro Twitter as well - so quick; so often pithy and informative (& agree w betty re concerts/exhibitions, etc.)

    I think the same must apply to blogs sometimes and somewhat - just get something down; just enjoy it - or work towards finding a way to enjoy it.

    My formula is a moment on Twitter is worth two away from work (ditto blogging)

  9. I tweet for a day, then I'm off several days (or more). The blog lies dormant; it got to seem a chore, and forced. FB is for quick thoughts set down for others to comment on, or not, and SCRABBLE. Now I'm trying to get back to journaling/writing stories in my notebook.

  10. @tut-tut I noticed that yesterday was a tweeting day for you :)

    La France Profonde was definitely feeling like a chore for me for months -- I think I needed a long break AND a new blog to get my blogging energy back.

    Is Scrabble back on FB? I thought it had been taken off. I play on a site called Pogo...or did play, at the beginning of the school year before winter fatigue set in.

    Thanks for your comment.

  11. just can't wrap my head around tweeting. i so love the word.

    i think i fear having one more thing to tend to might push me over the edge

    last fall signed up for goodreads and have failed miserably adding to that.

    and it seems i'm always behind keeping up with the blogs i enjoy seeing how distracted i can get when i get online.

    w/ fb scrabble unfortunately one can only play within one's least that's how it's been. i (heart) fb scrabble and wordfeud on the droid!!

  12. @mouse I must say, though, you do such a stunning and complete job with your blog posts, that I understand your not wanting to get wrapped up in one more thing.

    Sometimes after a long day at work, a few tweets is about all the social networking I'm good for...

    Goodreads is a fantastic site; I "vaguely" keep up on it, but it has mainly served to give me a mile-long reading list of books I'll probably never get to.

    To each his or her own as far as social networking is what I say!
