Sunday, November 28, 2010

Under Construction

In case you run into this blog, it is under construction.

Since December 2005, I have been a woman of many blogs. Some are defunct, one is barely hanging on, another is incipient, yet another is a professional corporate blog.

I'm hoping to pull most of my blogging ideas together here into one space. Stay tuned.


  1. So many blogs... (hark who's writing!)
    Snow was in France, two weeks ago. It's cold this weekend in Rome but no snow for us yet (some in Milano, though).
    Good luck with this blog.

  2. Congratulations, you are the first to comment! I'm getting interested in the France/Aveyron theme again, but want another place for other thoughts and themes...we'll see if I can get it started for 2011. If not, it may just disappear.

  3. Hey, I had not stumbled upon this post before today, but, oh how I can relate! One changes so very much in the course of a lifetime, particularly if one has children who are growing and changing, too, it seems to me. So, here I am wishing you the very best of luck in expressing your current life in your brand-spanking new blahg!

    Let the posts begin!
